
Friday, June 24, 2016

Partly cloudy

                                 Partly cloudy
Slowly the white birds glided through the air as the clouds danced across the sky.The gold ball tiptoed over the town as the birds delivered peaceful gifts like small pretty puppies and tiny kittens. After they delivered the little gifts they flew away.
Flap flappy flap the white birds flew high up to the fluffy, puffy clouds. The puffy clouds came alive and happily the candyfloss clouds made the gifts. Sadly the grey cloud was left out and could not make nice things. Suddenly a bird flew up to the grey sad cloud. It did not look like the others it looked different. It had been hurt. The bird  took the gift and flew away.The cloud tried again and as he was trying the bird came back. The bird looked hurt even more.Zap! The cloud made a ram then off went the bird. Bang! Finally when the bird came flying back the grey storm cloud made another animal. It was a prickly porcupine. The white bird flew with fear to the other candyfloss cloud. The pink cloud laughed and gave the white HURT bird a bag. The storm cloud gained anger and shot lightning out of his cloud and started to cry. Suddenly the white bird flew over with joy and opened the bag.  It had safety gear. The stormy grey cloud jumped with happiness and they hugged with joy until the sun set came down.
          THE END

Math goals

This is my basic facts goals !!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Writing goals

I am at level 2a but I want to get better and get to a higher level by the end of the year 

Multiplication and Division

I have been working in a group. I have been learning how to work out Multiplication and Division in a group. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Clay pots

We had to do pretend we were stuck in the wild with nothing. We had to make something that would hold water using the materials around us. We used clay because it is found close to rivers.
Here is the clay all set up ready for us.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


This is my term 2 handwriting sample. My next goal is to work on my neatness.

I can type words 18 per minute.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Maori sea animals

With Matua Ken we learnt the names of sea animals .We had to try to name them with out knowing the names of the sea animals .I think I was ok at naming the sea animals .It was a competition who got the most points THE GIRLS WON!!!!