
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

End of term Four Recount Test .

This is a screenshot of my results in our end of Term 4 recount writing test.
My teachers have worked out my average score for writing and I am at 3a.
This is above the National Standard for my year level.
I am doing great at sentence structure and vocabulary.

I  need to work harder at ideas and spelling next year.

My Margret Peters Spelling Progress.

Here is my progress over the year in spelling. At the beginning of this year I scored 39  in the M.Peters spelling test. This gave me a spelling age of 11.6 .

In term 4 this year I scored 40 in the M.Peters spelling test. This gives me a spelling age of  12.3 .
I think that I am doing well in  spelling.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

PAT Tests

Everyone last week our class did a PAT reading test. In Term one my score was 27 points and in Term 4 my score is 32. That means that I went up 5 points since the start of the year. We also did PAT maths test last week. Here are some pictures of my results.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Kia Ora Everyone!
Yesterday, Team Moana dissected lamb body parts and tried to figure out what body part was on the delicate plastic plate. My group had a lamb heart but no it was a heart. We cut the heart open to see what it looked inside, we then started to feel it because we had to write down some things about Sight, Feel, Taste, Hear and Smell. I hope you like my poem.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


                                              Kia ora
 This week we did an experiment with skittles. We stuck skittles in a bowl then poured warm water into the bowl and watched the colours spread through the water.


Colours spreading  every which way through warm water. Sugary goodness full of different flavors in each ball .The hard surface of the skittles slowly going soft and gooey as they meet the warm water . As the wind blows the most delightful smell found my nose as I sat there watching the skittles bob up and down.


Image result for skittles png

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


                        Kia ora everyone,
this week we have been working on our 5 scenes. We got to choose a picture to write about. Try guess the one I wrote about.                

                          Where am I ?                                               
Naked trees in lines standing like frozen statues. Nothing to be heard except for the cries of the birds flying pasted. Smells as if there was no life in the gloomy forest. Trails of animals running passed leaving  their footprints on the never ending  road. My feet sinking helplessly into the heaps of mud, I don't move a bit. Shadows everywhere to be seen sending a chill instantly down my body. The taste of fear flies around.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Learning how to read scientific reports

Kia ora

We are learning how to read and write scientific reports. We have been doing experiments and writing about them. This is a reading activity we did. We had to be able to match a thesis with its hypothesis

We are learning how to understand the structure and language of a report about a scientific experiment #3 Understanding that a hypothesis is a brainy prediction based on what you already know.
In this exercise you need to match a thesis with its hypothesis.  Use the ‘Fill tool’ to colour code the matching ideas.
                               Thesis                                                                      Hypothesis
I know this……                                                                         So therefore if I do this I think this will happen…
I know that a puddle of water is a small amount of water lying (usually) on the ground. I know that water is a substance which is found on our planet and that it can exist as a solid (ice), liquid or a gas (water vapour). I know that the main reason water changes from one state to another on Earth is because of  temperature -heat or cold. On Earth a sunny day is when there are no clouds, the sky is blue and the temperature is usually warm or hot.
I predict that when I mix vinegar and baking soda together that a chemical reaction will occur and that I will be able to notice this. I might feel hotness or coldness, notice smoke or bubbles, smell something, hear some kind of noise or  find that the taste or texture of the foods has changed.
I know that heavy things usually sink and light things float. However, container ships are heavy but they still float so there must be more things that have an effect on floating than just weight. Blu Tack is a squishy material that is quite light. It usually comes as a wide, flat strip but you can shape it into a round ball, a sausage shape, an O shape etc or you could flatten it out into a thin, wide shape like a leaf or saucer. Leaves usually float and ships look a little like a leaf shape.
I predict that when I take an ice cube out of a freezer it will begin to change back into liquid water (this is called melting) because it will no longer be colder than 0 degrees centigrade.
I know that an ice cube is water which is frozen. I know that that liquid water freezes into ice when the temperature reaches 0 degrees centigrade. An ice cube will stay an ice cube as long as it stays in a freezer.
I predict that if I make a puddle of water somewhere on the playground on a hot, dry day that the puddle will dry up and disappear quite quickly.
I know that everything we eat is made up of different kinds of chemicals.Sometimes when you mix different chemicals together they react with each other in different ways and the substances will do things that they didn’t do before (chemical reaction) and become different to what they were like before (chemical change). You will be able to notice things happening by using your 5 senses to  listen, smell, feel, look at and sometimes taste what is going on. I know that vinegar and baking soda are both food substances and I learned that they are chemically different
I predict that if I take some ice cubes out of a freezer and wrap them in different materials, I will find that one material will keep the ice cube frozen for longer than the others. This material would then have proven itself to be the best insulator.
I know that liquid water changes into a solid (ice) when the temperature reaches 0 degrees centigrade. I know that a freezer will keep water solid because a freezer’s job is to keep food at a temperature just below 0 degrees centigrade.
We are going to use Bluetack as our material. We will use the same amount of Blutack to make three different shapes. One will be a straight, rectangular strip of Blutack, one will be a compact, round ball and the third will be a rounded  saucer shape like a boat. We predict that at least one of these will float.
I know that insulators are materials that can be used to protect yourself from too much heat or cold. When we put clothes on because we are cold, the clothes are insulators which help our bodies stay warm. If you put insulating material like Pink Batts in the ceiling of your house, in the winter the Batts help keep warm air inside the house. In the summer, The Pink Batts help stop hot air coming into the house so they help to keep us cool. Many  food containers like Thermos flasks and Chilly Bins are made out of insulating materials to keep food hot or cold.
I predict that when I put some liquid water into a freezer it will change from a liquid state into a solid state (ice) because the temperature in the freezer will be below 0 degrees centigrade.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Our science experiments.

Kia ora.

We have been doing science experiments in preparation for the science fair. Here is a photo of one of our experiments.Our first experiment was a BIG BIG fail.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Science experiments.

Kia ora

This week we have done 2 scientific experiments so far. The first one was about floating and sinking and the second one was about fizzing and foaming. Here is a photo of me with my group.

Freezing Water.
What will happen when you mix vinegar and baking soda?
Floating and Sinking.
What will happen to an ice cube if you take it out of the freezer?
Kitchen Chemistry.
Which materials make the best insulators?
Disappearing Water.
What happens when you put a container of water into a freezer?
Keep Your Cool.
What will happen to a puddle of water on a hot day?
Ice Cube Experiment.
Does Blutack float?

Friday, June 30, 2017


Kia Ora
This week we went on a zoofari trip to Auckland zoo. We slept the night in the old elephant house.We also went on a night walk to see all the animals at night and were so lucky because we got to see the cheetahs on their morning walk.

I am working on an animal report on white rhinos. There were two white rhinos at the zoo but I only got to see one of them. Its name is Zambezi .It was much taller than I thought it would be. My favourite animal  is a hippo but sadly the hippos at Auckland zoo had died just a few months ago. I had so much fun at the zoo and I was very sad to leave.
 Ka kite ano

Here are some photos.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Kia ora everybody 

Last week we worked on a site called Bon Voyage it teaches you about augment writing. We learnt about opinions. The opinions I worked on why dogs are the most incredible pets in the entire world.  

Screenshot 2017-06-12 at 8.59.06 AM.png

Monday, June 19, 2017

Hi here are my crazy as friend!!! They are Jess, Lani, Abby, Willow, Waiorere, Kyra, Bailey, Mia and Tylah. One of my friends is Chelsea but she has left our school sadly but we are still really good friends.
(Chelsea) Kooky and Crazy 
 Tylah outgoing and A sly Gal 

 Abby New getting know. Lani CRAZY and Loyal. Jess Jiggly and All ways happy
 Willow So So So Pretty.
Waiorere Loves to strike a pose and Beautiful 
 Kyra Cool . 
 Bailey Funny and  Kind heart 

 Mia Strong and Protective 

Animal report

Hola omegos

We did animal reports in our class recently. I did my animal  report on White rhinos. There were a lot of animal reports on zebras and big cat. I hope you like my report thank you.

Do you know the difference between white rhinos and black rhinos .The major difference is the shape of their mouths. Black rhinos developed a pointed lip which they use to pick fruit from branches and select leaves from twigs; white rhinos have a flat, wide lip to graze on The white rhino is an endangered species there biggest threat are poachers the  poachers take the rhinos horns and sale them on the black market.A rhino's horn is worth 300,000. Rhinos are also threatened by habitat loss. Did you know that 2 rhinos were killed each day in 2011,
White rhinos are native to Africa. They live in the African grassland and savanna. They live in the African grasslands because it suits their diet White  rhinos mainly live in South Africa, but they can also live in Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe.

Kia Ora
 This week we have been doing our learning journey for this term. I think I have en proved sines last year.


Friday, June 16, 2017


It is Exactly 10.00 and we are getting ready for fun Friday. My activity is slime prize. In my activity you have to search for dice in pink slime.I am exited  for all the games and fun activity's that will be going on to day it will be so much fun!!!!!

Friday, June 2, 2017

Animal onesie day

Kia ora,

Today we had an animal onesie day to fundraise for the year 1&2 zoo trip. I dressed up as a raccoon. Raccoons are members of the weasel family . They are mammals.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Kelly Tarlton's

This week we worked in our writing teams to write recounts using hooks, similes and metaphors. We have a good team!

Kelly Tarlton’s

“Hurry up! Get in line!” screeched the teacher as we all piled into the bus. The bus started with a big bang then  we headed off. I glanced out the window to see the beautiful sights. Our chattering made the bus sound  as loud as a cage of giant elephants. Suddenly silence fell over the bus,we were there.

Have you ever slept with the sharks before? That’s what we were planning to do at Kelly Tarlton’s. We stumbled in like a bunch of big fat rhinos. There stood a man with snowy white hair wearing fine-looking clothes with the politest smile. We went silent as he stood in front of us. He was so still he was a statue. “Hello class. My name is Jacob,” he announced with a bold voice. “Come this way,” he said with a sway bellow voice. We walked in silence following him.

Thump! Thump! Our feet banged on the ground like a jumble of giant clashing boulders. The roof above us was a clear tank full of vicious sharks, deep-blue stingrays and cute jellyfish. A light blue shadow flicked by me. “What was that!”I said in shock but no one took any notice of me. I was the invisible man. We carried on down the huge hall.
After we got into our sleeping bags we tried to fall asleep but the passing sharks kept throwing ghostly shadows that haunted the night. I couldn’t sleep. All I could think about was the shark tank breaking and sharks munching on us. Finally, after a very long long night it was time to go home so we packed up and headed to the bus. “GoodBye! Thank You! “ we yelled and hopped into the bus.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Using similes and metaphors.

This week we have been learning to use similes and metaphors in our writing

Friday, May 5, 2017

 This week we have been working on our Multiplication facts.We have been doing a test every day to help us get better at our multiplication. Here are my scores