
Thursday, December 6, 2018


Yesterday night 
 This week we had our year 6 Graduation Dinner. We had food and then we got handed some booklets and a necklace to remember Ohaeawai School. I am so happy I came here and it will be sad to say goodbye. Here is a photo of me in my outfit:  

Thursday, November 15, 2018


Kia ora everyone
For the last few weeks our focus for maths has been geometry. We got to choose geometry tasks to complete. We chose, tessellation patterns, 3D shapes and our own shape city.I learnt what tessellation. Look at the slide below for more info.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Reading Test

Kia orana everyone
Yesterday we did three testes one of them was a reading P.A.T test.  I was working on a stannine 7 at the start of the year. I am now working on stanine but I am now working at Year 7 level and at the start of the term i was working at year 6  level . I hope that I get up to stanine 9 when I am at college next year. Here is my work :)


Kia orana everyone
Yesterday we did three testes one of them was a maths P.A.T test.  I was working on a stannine 6 at the start of the year. I am still on stannine 6 but I got 2 more questions right than last year. I think that I could have done better in Number strategies and Geometry. Over all I think I did well and hope  that I get more right in college next year. Here is my work :) 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Maze Making

Kia orana everyone
Today we did coding. Our task was to make a maze and write down the directions for our character to get the place. I did a cow getting to a barn. Here is my maze

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Comic Strip

Hi everyone
Today we did a fun comic strip based on a book that we read called paper, scissors, rock. We had to draw pictures and have two things form the book or in the class room to duel each other . I did glue vs paper. Here it is :0

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Explanation writing

Hola amigos
Tomorrow it is greats and grands day at Ohaeawai School. Greats and grands day is when we invite our grandparents to our school and do fun games show them what we have been doing and also we have morning tea with them . So we a explanation writing on problems that grandparents might get and we also did a nice poem to. I decided to do bad teeth. Here it is

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Ski trip Diary

Hi everyone
This is my personal recount about everything I did during our school ski trip to National Park in September 2018. It was a blast!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Fact slide on Tongariro National Park.

Hi Everyone,

This is my report about some things I learned during our school ski trip to National Park in September 2018. It was so much fun. I hope you like my slide. This slide is by Ronan and Me.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Animal Report

Hello everyone
Before the Ski Trip we had a task to finish a animal report. We had a vote to see if we should choose our own animal or do the same. The winning vote was choose your own animal. I chose a Toucan. Here it is;


Hi everyone 
For the past few weeks we have been focusing on temperature, measurement, timelines and silly sentences to remember how to spell thermometer and we have also been learning about thermometers and when and who invented them. This is the hypo doc we have been working on.

My silly sentence
My timeline
My facts
My hypo doc

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Reading work

Hey everyone
For the past few weeks we have been working on a slide for our reading. On our slide we have been learning about weathering and erosion, also land changes. I haven't finished my land changes slide yet. But here it is :)

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Silly Sentence

Hello everyone
For the passed couple of weeks we have been doing measurement. We have been focusing on  temperature. I did a silly sentence to help me remember how to spell  thermometer. This is what it looks like. :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Pear Deck learning

Kia ora
We have been using Pear Deck to help us learn more about sentence structure so that we can get better at noticing where one sentence ends and another one begins. This should also help us get better scores for punctuation. This a screenshot of an activity we did: first we had to highlight the noun and verb parts of the sentences and then we had to decide where the full stops and capital letters should go.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Heyo Everybody
This holidays I spent two days at my best friends house Jess J. At  Jess's we went swimming in the lagoon and designed each others  faces with shaving cream. We also went climbing up the mountain and running through the mud. We ate lots of waffles for breakfast and delicious creamy Makana ice cream. It was so much fun

Friday, July 6, 2018

Matariki Day

Hi everybody,
Today we had a Matariki day. In each class we did different things in my class that I was in we did kites. We read about Matariki and then did our kites.My kite had weaving on the bottom and lots of little glitter stars on it. This is what my kite.

Thursday, June 21, 2018


Kia Ora bloggers, This week we have been working on our learning journey. This shows my learning from and the results from the beginning of the year. We have had parent teacher interviews yesterday and we are having them today. This slide shows my learning data. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Waitangi experience

Hey everyone 
On Thursday and Friday half the class including me went to Waitangi to learn about the Battle of Taiamai. The others went on Tuesday and Wednesday We also tried out some equipment like Virtual Reality.  Here is a presentation about our trip.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Hi everybody,
last week we for our creative we did a stop motion lego movie.Our movie was on two people trying to find treasure through a magic door. I hope you like it :)

Friday, May 18, 2018


Hola Amegos ,
Yesterday we did golf with Paul/ Mr Golf. He taught us that the less you score the better.  The person with the lowest score wins. In these photos I'm waiting for my turn and getting the balls for my team. It was so much fun. We had to use the roller to hit the ball at the bullseye. If you hit it you yelled out SNAG!  Thank you Paul.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Autumn Writing

Hi everyone,
Yesterday the class went for a walk out to the court to look at the autumn leaves we had to sketch the leaves and the trees and write down words. We came back to class a write poems and cameos. Here it is .

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Commonwealth Games

Hi everyone
Last term we did a Mini Commonwealth Games. We choose a country under the Commonwealth. After the activities had been done and the kids enjoyed them we wrote a  report on how we did it and how we felt about the day. Here it is.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Learning Journey

Kia orana  everyone
This week we have been working on our progress over the last term.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Similes and Metaphors

Kia ora everybody.  For the past few days we have been learning about similes and metaphors. We made similes then from similes we had to turn them into metaphors. Here is a pic

Friday, March 16, 2018


1. Why poets like to use similes in a poem.
2.  The different sentence structures and word types
needed in ‘like’, ‘as’, and ‘than’ similes.
Use colour coding to highlight:
nouns which are being compared       verb phrases which both nouns can do  

adjectives which suit both nouns       comparative adjectives  

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


We have been learning about similes using like and as. We matched these pictures to make our own.

The socks sink like the trash can.
The sock are as stinky as a trash can
The warrior is strong like the lion.
The warrior is as strong as the lion
The girl’s hair floated in the wind like a flag .
The girl’s hair was as floaty as the flag.

The elephant is tall like the tree.
The elephant is as tall as the tree.

The owl’s eyes are round like the bowl.
The owl’s eyes are as round as a bowl.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Swimming T1 2018

Hi everyone,
This year we have been practising streamlining our arms and legs. We have also been practising  breathing techniques . We also had Swim Safe to teach us survival skills. I can swim the length of the pool in one breath. I need to work on my back stroke. I am good at  breaststroke.


Friday, March 9, 2018

Maths Graphs

Everybody today we learnt how to make graphs on google sheets.
We did a graph on how many Vegetable Were sold and The temperatures of the week. Here are my graphs.

 The vegetables that were sold were carrots

The hotest day was Friday
The coldest day was Thursday
Monday and Wednesday have the same Temperture.

Couplet poem

Kia orana
Everyone, We have done some couplet poems here is the learning out come.
1. How to identify rhythm and rhyme in a couplet poem.

2.  What a couplet  is.

Poem Friday

Kia ora, 
everyone last week we did another poem for poem Friday. The challenge last week was to change all the nouns in a nursery rhyme I chose Jack and Jill. 


Monday, February 26, 2018

Maths PAT Scores

Kia Orana 
Everyone Last week we did an online maths test. Tasting us on how well did in Statistics and Number Strategies. I think I need to work on some of my number Strategies. Here are my scores :)

Friday, February 16, 2018

Poetry Friday

Kia Ora,
Everyone This term every Friday we have been doing poems in our class. Last Friday we wrote a bio poem about our selves.

Reading Poetry

1: That rhyme is a main ‘clue’ that a piece of writing
might be poetry.

2: What rhyme is.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Digital Learning Object

Learn: The difference between prose and poetry.

Create: A DLO which shows short texts sorted  into two groups; prose or poetry
and which includes at least one image.